5 Reasons to Quit Your Job, According to a Career Expert

Ideally, you’d like to have a career that you enjoy for a long period of time — but that doesn’t always feel possible.

Many people end up frustrated with their jobs for one reason or another, whether it’s because of their workplace environment or the work itself. As the frustration builds, they may turn to their networks and job boards in search of new positions.

“When we look at careers, it used to be a straight line, now it’s a squiggly line,” LinkedIn career expert Catherine Fisher tells TODAY.com.

And while switching jobs makes some people uneasy (and, well, terrified), there are positives to branching out and trying something new.

Think of each job as a stepping stone to building the longer-term vision of your career, as Fisher explains. The things you learn from each one add value.

“In every job you have, you acquire new skills, you build new relationships, you extend your network, you learn about new industries,” he says. “If you’re looking to make a change, it’s thinking about a kind of bigger picture.”

But at what point do you know if you are in a temporary routine or if you should reassess your career path? Fisher breaks down the telltale signs it’s time to leave your current role.

You’re not feeling challenged

Feeling like you can do your job in your sleep isn’t always a good thing.

“If you feel like there aren’t enough opportunities at the company to learn, that may be a sign that it’s not setting you up for the long term,” Fisher says. “Maybe it’s comfortable, but if you’re still really looking to grow your career, I think that is a flag.”

Oftentimes, however, Fisher says there can be an opportunity to modify your job description by going to your manager with ideas on how to make your position more palatable. She advises taking on a “leader” role and suggesting to your manager that there are “some opportunities I see to make this job more effective.”

If you enjoy the company and people but you’re just not feeling challenged in your specific role, Fisher encourages looking for opportunities internally before searching elsewhere.

“It’s about the people you work with, it’s about the jobs you’re doing and the growth opportunities,” she says. “If those growth opportunities don’t exist in your current role, seek to understand if you could find something internally before choosing another company.”

You dread going to work most days

Sure, the “Sunday scaries” are a real thing, but Fisher warns that this feeling shouldn’t last more than one day a week.

She recommends asking yourself things like “Am I stressed out or burned out?” and “Is the workplace toxic?” to pinpoint why you might be feeling this way.

Keep in mind that your feelings may be situational, especially if your stress levels are higher due to a busy time of year (think: tax season for an accountant).

Start by taking some time off to recharge your batteries. Make sure you completely unplug during this time even if you’re simply hanging out at home.

But if you’re feeling burned out by things beyond your control, Fisher recommends trying to identify potential causes and coming up with a solution before having a conversation with your manager about how you’re feeling.

“More times than not, a manager is going to want to figure out ‘How do we keep you from feeling burnt out,’ she says.

However, if you’re unable to come up with meaningful solutions, Fisher says it may be time to start looking for something new.

You can’t see yourself growing at your company

Maybe you feel like you’ve reached your full potential at your job. .

“I think that sometimes people get caught up in the fact that they want to get promoted, they want more and more and more, but if the job itself is like that is the job, you can get heartened by that,” he says.

As for how you know if you’ve reached your full potential, Fisher recommends having a direct conversation with your manager in terms of the expectations of the position. This may help you understand where your role could lead.

Fisher suggests asking: “Do they see this role in terms of expanding in scope?”

Maybe your manager will say they see the job continuing to grow, or maybe they will respond that they don’t anticipate the job expanding.

If that’s the case, that may be a signal it’s time to start searching elsewhere, whether that’s internally or externally.

You’re not aligned with your company’s culture and values

A company that is aligned with what you care most about can make all the difference because, as Fisher puts it, it can give you a sense of belonging.

“If your values ​​aren’t aligning with the company, you’re probably never going to feel great there, you’re never really going to feel like you belong,” she says.

This could be an indication that it’s time to consider your place there and search elsewhere to find a more comfortable fit.

Be sure to take your time while you wait for the right opportunity. Fisher recommends “really looking for those opportunities where you are aligned, because you don’t want to get into the same situation.”

There’s a lack of job security

In today’s landscape, job security may feel like a thing of the past.

“It’s important to understand how your company is performing,” she says. But if you’re unsure, Fisher says it’s appropriate to ask your manager specifics about the stability of the company and how your department is doing as a whole.

To get a broader scope, Fisher suggests following industry leaders on LinkedIn to gain an understanding of how your company is fairing against competitors.

If you’re still worried about job insecurity, Fisher recommends “career cushioning,” aka taking actions to keep your options open.

“Start thinking about what’s next for you, and this could be looking at your LinkedIn profile, brushing up on your skills, making sure your network continues to be strong.”

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