A Peek Into This Past Week

Welcome to my weekly post giving you a peek into this past week and what’s happening at our house.

Kierstyn turned 3 last week!! And she brings so much joy to our lives!

It was a big year for Kierstyn: she became a big sister to Micah, she officially became a big sister to David at his adoption, she finished preschool and started PreK, she passed a few levels in swimming lessons, she got potty-trained, she got to go on a trip to PA with just Micah and Mom & Dad, and she learned how to start the laundry.

Sweet girl, you are such a gift to our lives. Your antics keep us laughing, your smiles and little voice bring so much delight to us, and the way you always want to work with me and watch out for your little brothers is such a help!

Your first three years have had many unexpected twists and turns — from saying goodbye to C, welcoming David, and then becoming a big sister to Micah. And you’ve shown so much character at such a young age. Your compassionate spirit for those who are vulnerable is fierce and I can’t help but wonder what God is preparing you for in the future with the story He is writing in your young life.

You bring incredible joy to our lives and to all the teens and adults and other kids who know you. You call everyone your “best friend” or “sister” or “brother” and I hope you never lose that big heart… and that ultimately the love you have for others comes from knowing how lavishly you are loved by your Heavenly Father.

We love you, Kierstyn Michaela Paine!

Jesse gave her a fitness set for her birthday. See her demonstrating it here.

I got to interview Laura Tremaine for an upcoming podcast episode on friendship. I can’t wait for you to hear it!

I flew to FamilyLife in Orlando to record interviews for an upcoming radio show.

It was my first time using a Mamava pod at the airport and I’m a huge fan now. (Check out their free app if you are a nursing or breastfeeding mom!)

Kierstyn and I are loving our almost-daily tea time and preschool time!

Kathrynne and I went to a fundraiser for the local nonprofit that I’m currently the board chair of.

It was such a beautiful evening and beautiful event!

And then we went camping on Friday night and Saturday night with some families from our community group. We rented an RV instead of sleeping in tents and that made it such a fun experience!