The Most Effective Strategies and Tips in 2023

Mastering Cannabis SEO

As the demand for weed products on the market increases, cannabis SEO is quickly becoming crucial for businesses to be successful in this industry.

Cannabis dispensaries and other cannabis businesses face unique advertising challenges. SEO for the cannabis industry is the only way that your website will get any traffic, as most platforms don’t allow paid advertising.

Learning cannabis SEO on your own is ineffective, as it can be complex to navigate and ineffective if you don’t know what you’re doing. Using a professional cannabis SEO agency is the best way to put your website on the first page of Google.

Cannabis SEO vs. Other Industries

The cannabis industry has been evolving rapidly in the United States over the last 10 years. As more states loosen regulations, the demand for weed has surged. The market is estimated to reach over $31.8 billion in annual sales by the end of 2023.

You’d be hard-pressed to visit a city in a legal state and not find more than a couple of dispensaries available. The online cannabis market is booming as well, with website-based dispensaries providing cannabis to those who cannot visit a physical location.

The cannabis marketing vertical is highly competitive. This is largely because cannabis brands have to use SEO as their main form of advertising due to the regulations surrounding weed.

Cannabis SEO also presents a unique problem in that it is constantly evolving based on trends and ever-changing regulations. Customers are doing more research than ever before  and as such, changing their user search intent.

Keywords don’t work on their own in cannabis SEO. With the advent of voice options on devices, long-tail queries create organic searches, providing cannabis  brands with a way to specifically target their audience.

For example, customers are now taking advantage of voice options on their devices, which means their search queries are more complex. Instead of searching “CBD near me,” they are searching “Where is there a store that sells CBD near me?”

Why Should You Use SEO for Cannabis Companies?

The simple answer is that organic search results from SEO strategies work. Organic search results accounted for 41% of website traffic for retail and eCommerce websites. This means that it outperforms both display advertising and social media campaigns.

One of the main issues with marketing cannabis is that, since the industry is so new to the US, people aren’t as warmed up to the idea of buying weed yet. It takes a lot of time to develop a brand that people trust. On top of that, figuring out where you can promote your brand can be a bit of a hurdle.

An SEO company can develop a strategy to help gain the trust of your customers by understanding what it is that they’re searching for. Everyone has questions, and if your website can provide the answers, you’ll become credible and recommended on search engines. SEO specialists know this and can help drive that traffic to your site through diligent keyword research and other

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Optimizing Your Video SEO: 10 Tips | Good2bSocial

Videos has become a crucial component of an integrated digital strategy. in fact, 85% of marketers say that video isseo videos an effective way to get attention online, and video has become one of the key ways for potential clients to obtain information. Speaking of getting attention, though: how do you ensure that your video gets found in the first place? This is where SEO for video comes in. Many marketers aren’t sure where to start, but we suggest following these quick tips to help your law firm’s videos gain more visibility.

What Is Video SEO?

Video SEO is simply the act of optimizing your firm’s videos so they can get found online in search engines. There are many different tactics firms can use to help their videos rank which we’ll get into in this article.

1. Host on a Third-party Platform

Even though it’s possible to host your own video content (and doing so gives you a little more independence), it can tax your system and is often not worth the trouble. However, you can rely on a third-party platform, and there are several to choose from. YouTube is the most common and has the largest user base (and it’s free). Other free options include Dailymotion or Vimeo. Paid options typically make sense for more experienced content creators who need advanced features. Look at choices like Brightcove or Dacast. Once you’ve got hosting figured out, you can move on to specific SEO tactics.

2. Optimize Key Presentation Elements

After you upload your video, you’ll have the opportunity to customize certain pieces that will be shown to potential viewers. Taking the time to adjust these elements can help you gain more views and improve SEO.

  • Thumbnails image – The small picture that represents your video should immediately capture attention and communicate what your video is about. Make sure it’s easy to read and not ambiguous.
  • Titles – This is probably the first thing that viewers will use to decide if they want to watch your video. Try to make the title reflect the main points of your video. It’s also important to include keywords that you’ve researched.
  • Description – Use this text to give more context to your video. The best descriptions are short and to the point, and don’t just reiterate what the video already says. Include a question that the video answers or a summary of what’s in the content. Keywords play an important role in this section as well, so make sure to do your research and include the correct keywords (and exclude anything that you don’t want to be associated with your content).
  • CTAs Make sure to include a call-to-action at the end of your video that will garner engagement.

3. Improve Your Transcript With Keywords

Including a transcript of your video is a great opportunity to insert your keywords. Keywords are an essential component of any SEO strategy. Many people do a great job of incorporating keywords into the video title and description

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9 SEO Tips for Writing FAQs That Win Rich Snippets

Frequently asked questions (FAQs) are often used as a clump of generalized questions and answers on a single FAQ page. However, they can work much harder to improve your organic search rankings, even earning you rich results when correctly implemented for search engine optimization (SEO).

When Google adds extra information to a standard search result listing, it’s called a rich result or rich snippet. FAQ-rich results (shown below) are just one of the many forms of rich snippets available, including reviews, how-to, videos, sitelink search boxes, and more.

Google uses FAQs to help provide answers to searchers directly in the search results. FAQ-rich results are also good for your site, though, because they make your results more visible and help push the competition lower on the page.

The Benefits of Using Optimizing FAQs

The power of FAQs goes beyond answering your customer’s most frequently asked questions. When you place optimized FAQs on various pages on your site — category pages, product pages, information pages, blog posts — you are enhancing the page with more useful content and providing a better user experience. FAQs allow you to work question-based keywords naturally onto the page. You can also add internal links in the answer section to increase the flow of link authority through your site.

Frequently asked questions are excellent for eCommerce clients, as there are many questions that customers have when purchasing products. You can stand out among the competition by answering searchers’ most frequently asked questions.

Triggering Rich Results with faqPage Schema

To enable FAQ-rich snippets to display in Google’s search results, you’ll need to mark up your FAQs with faqPage structured data. This structured data, which is just data that informs a search engine what type of information it’s crawling, helps Google determine whether a piece of content should be eligible for rich results or not. However, using structured data doesn’t guarantee that Google will show your content as rich results in the organic search results for a given search query. To see how your marked-up FAQs could appear in the SERPs, try testing your pages with Google’s Rich Results Test.

9 Tips for Writing Optimized FAQs

If you are trying to win the FAQ-rich results in organic search, we have compiled nine of the best ways to optimize your frequently asked questions with SEO in mind. Here are nine tools and ideas that you can use to help choose the best types of questions to include based on the things people search for.

  1. AnswerThePublic

This tool gives you suggestions of the types of questions people are asking related to a specific keyword you enter. The downside to this tool is that there is no data on search volume, but it gives you a starting point with which to do additional keyword research. For example, if you were to input the keyword “lipsticks” into the tool, this is what it would look like:

AnswerThePublic will give you “Questions” in a graphic that can be downloaded into a spreadsheet. When

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Tips For Social Search Engine Optimization

Vice President, Digital at Clearbridge Branding Agency, overseeing clients’ digital and social media efforts.

Search engine optimization (SEO) has been around in various iterations for over 20 years. Traditional SEO focuses on optimizing a website’s content and structure to improve its ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs) for relevant keywords. This typically involves tactics such as keyword research, on-page optimization and link-building. But what is social SEO?

Social SEO focuses on optimizing a brand’s presence and visibility on social media platforms, such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram, among others. This can include creating and sharing high-quality content, engaging with followers and building a strong social media following.

The goal of social SEO is to drive more traffic to a website from social media platforms, as well as to improve the brand’s visibility and credibility. It’s especially important as social marketers are seeing a shift by some users moving away from using traditional SERPs like Google and Yahoo, instead utilizing social media platforms as search engines.

Optimize YourPage

The first order of business is to optimize your social media pages and profiles. To get started, determine the most important keywords relevant to your business. These keywords should be what you want your organization to be found for when someone searches for a particular product or service. Then, add copy into the about and description sections of your page using those same keywords. On the company’s page, be sure to check that addresses and phone numbers are added and correct. Also, remember to ensure that the website link is visible and working properly.

Optimize Creative

Next, when creating images for posts, be sure to include alt text. Not only is this important for social SEO, but it also assists with ADA (the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990) compliance. Image alt text describes the appearance or what is happening in your image, so remember to describe the image in the alt text section and include any relevant keywords.

Images aren’t the only creative you should be optimizing. Subtitles are also beneficial in video content, and while certain platforms like Instagram have auto-generated captions, manually adding subtitles will get your keywords on the screen. This will provide context for search engine crawlers and can improve SERP rankings for your creatives and keywords.

Aim For Engagement

Engagement and referral traffic (traffic that comes from posting clicks to your website or blog) can also help with SEO. Quality content is key for social SEO, but also because followers are most likely to engage with content that compels them to take action. Actions could be to learn more about a product or service, read a blog, download a white paper or even play a game—and, hopefully, encourage them to come back for more.

Strive to make the content valuable and shareworthy with compelling captions and appealing visuals, as this can help boost engagement and widen your audience while improving social SEO. The best content tells a story and influences audiences to share—so give them

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7 Powerful On-Page SEO Tips For Small Teams In 2023

This post was sponsored by Shutterstock. The opinions expressed in this article are the sponsor’s own.

High-quality media is a major component of your on-page SEO strategy.

When you’re a small or medium business owner (SMB), the quality of your visual content can make a major difference in how your target audience perceives your products and services.

In 2023, high-quality images, graphics, and other next-generation media are the on-page SEO keys to help you:

  • Improve search engine results page (SERP) rankings.
  • Rank for competitive keywords in short-form video SERPs.
  • Build organic backlinks.

To make these marketing goals possible, the two easiest things you can do for your SEO strategy right now are:

  1. Step away from using stock images in blog articles and social media posts. Focus on creating or generating unique images for your site.
  2. Double down on implementing SEO best practices to help your content get seen.

Let’s discover how the right media backed by a strong SEO strategy can help elevate your brand and maximize your ROI.

1. Create Content That Automatically Generates Backlink Opportunities

Backlinks are essential to helping search engines determine the quality of your website and where it should rank on SERPs.

High-quality backlinks can help you get to the top of Google.

But before we uncover how small teams can build backlinks faster, let’s take a crash course on how backlinks can improve your SEO and help your business grow.

7 Powerful On-Page SEO Tips For Small Teams In 2023Image created by Shutterstock, April 2023

How Backlinks Help Improve SEO & SERP Rankings

Backlinks are a vital part of your overall SEO strategy because of the role they play in your site’s discoverability.

They indicate your site’s popularity with users, and they signal to Google that your content is valuable and worth linking to.

Think of it as a vote of confidence; the more high-quality backlinks you have, the better your website performs on SERPs.

When it comes to link building, your goal is to have multiple trusted resource vouchers for your website.

So, how do you easily convince reputable, related websites to link to yours?

How do you tell Google that your site is trustworthy?

By building backlinks.

If you’re a small team, it’s best to create content that builds links organically.

The Key To Building Organic Backlinks

To get the strongest backlinks, make sure you’re creating content that’s unique, up-to-date, and more accurate than your competitors.

Accurate, unique content is very valuable to high-reputation websites.

Backlinks make it easy to cite statistics, source claims, or even add context – so by providing relevant information within your niche, you’re establishing your site

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