Top 15 Ways to Make money as a Data Scientist in 2023

Data Scientist in 2023

The unpredictably rising cost of living in the post-pandemic era has strengthened the need for more money. Side companies are a great choice if your knowledge and abilities can help you become a data scientist who makes more money in 2023. The field of data science is expanding.

Businesses increasingly rely on data scientists to assist them in making sense of the enormous volumes of data they collect. You can choose to be a data scientist who is satisfied with your career right now, or you can be aspiring. Data scientists can work in various jobs because the area is diverse and offers many opportunities for passive income. The top 15 ways for data scientists to make money in 2023 are covered in this article.

  1. Cloud mining (9.8 points)
  2. Referral Program (9.7 points)
  3. Freelancing (9.6 points)
  4. Content Writing (9.6 points)
  5. Producing YouTube videos (9.5 points)
  6. Teaching (9.4 points)
  7. Consultants (9.4 points)
  8. Offer Digital Marketing Services Online (9.4 points)
  9. Teaching programming languages ​​(9.3 points)
  10. Participating in Competitions (9.2 points)
  11. Ethical Hacking (9.2 points)
  12. Blogging (9.1 points)
  13. Become A Virtual Assistant (9.1 points)
  14. Become a Social Media Manager (9.0 points)
  15. Test Games And Apps Online (9.0 points)
  1. Cloudmining


The idea of ​​“cloud mining” was developed to enable cryptocurrency mining via rented cloud computing resources without downloading or physically using any specific software or gear. People can create an account and start mining bitcoins remotely. As a result, thanks to cloud mining businesses, mining is now more affordable and lucrative for a broader spectrum of users. – One of the best cloud mining sites of 2023.

One of the first businesses to provide cloud mining services, Happyminer, was established in 2018 and has more than 2800,000 users worldwide. Joining Happyminer will make it simple for you to mine for clouds.


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  1. Referral Program

No matter what, you can still make money even if you don’t invest. You are qualified to get a referral commission of up to 4.5 percent for each transaction one of your customers completes. You might earn money through their referral scheme by sending people to their site or app. Joining the referral program is free. You will be given a unique URL after creating an account. You must post the URL on blogs, forums, and other social media sites. You will get paid every time someone uses your link to sign up or buy something. The biggest benefit is the potential for immediate financial gain. If you already run a website or have a

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Snapchat tries to make money while sticking to its roots

Snapchat tries to make money while sticking to its roots.  Twitter
Snapchat tries to make money while sticking to its roots. Twitter

Snapchat’s parent company, Snap, is leaning up efforts to expand beyond its loyal user base and reach profitability with new tactics, including the use of artificial intelligence.

During the annual conference, CEO Evan Spiegel revealed that an average of 750 million people worldwide use the image-centric messaging service each month, with the majority falling between the ages of 13 and 34. Despite its popularity, Snap has struggled to generate significant revenue from advertising and turned an annual profit, unlike Meta, which includes Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp.

The company’s net loss tripled to $1.43 billion last year, leading to a fifth of its workforce being laid off.

Snap’s new tools and products are aimed at attracting audience-winning creators, encouraging users to pay for subscriptions, and convincing advertisers that the app is a worthwhile platform. However, as Snap seeks ways to make money, it must be “careful not to stray too far from its roots” as an ephemeral, fun messaging service, warns Insider Intelligence analyst Jasmine Enberg.

Balancing private exchanges, “public spaces,” and a sense of “community and intimacy” cultivated since its inception will be critical for Snapchat’s success.

Snapchat’s pioneering use of images to communicate and augment what cameras see using AI “lenses” was a significant draw for users in its early days. However, as other platforms copied its ephemeral messaging, Snapchat’s relevance has waned, with Creative Strategies analyst Carolina Milanesi noting that “no one is talking about” Snapchat.

Unlike TikTok and Meta, the app doesn’t attract the attention of regulators. Nonetheless, Spiegel sees Snapchat as a break from the “social media popularity contest” where users can enjoy authentic communication with friends and family without the pressure of looking “pretty or perfect” in every post.

Snapchat’s new tools include the ability to ask questions of a “My AI” chatbot in group exchanges, which subscribers to the Snapchat+ subscription service can soon use to receive a “unique generative Snap back that keeps the visual conversation going.”

The company is also working to woo social media influencers whose posts attract viewers and advertisers. Snap Vice President Jack Brody believes creators find Snapchat to be a place where they can “express their authentic selves,” while Alyssa McKay, a top female creator on Snapchat, says she has a strong relationship with her audience because they feel they know her. However, most social media influencers do not consider Snapchat essential, preferring to focus on platforms like Instagram and TikTok, according to Alessandra Angelini, founder of Influur.

Snap also unveiled ARES, its new business unit that will provide online retailers with a suite of augmented reality tools, further expanding its offerings beyond messaging. As Snap seeks to balance its roots with profitability, the success of its new initiatives and products remains to be seen.

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Want to Make Money in the Stock Market? Try Doing Nothing

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The best way to make money in the stock market may be… doing nothing at all.

That’s the idea behind a recent analysis by Morningstar chief ratings officer Jeffrey Ptak, who created (and analyzed) a model portfolio of S&P 500 companies that a hypothetical investor had been holding — and not touching, except to reinvest dividends — for the last decade.

his discovery? The hands-off method performed just as well, if not better, than the entire index.

The “do nothing” approach to investing isn’t new. It’s the idea that over the long term, setting up your portfolio and letting it grow will leave you better off than making frequent changes, chasing short-term gains or reacting to news headlines.

It’s an especially important lesson for investors right now, when markets are volatile and the economic headlines are especially scary (inflation! Interest rates increase! An earnings recession!), and it feels much like the next crash could be right around the corner.

For nervous investors, there’s a lot of temptation to move money out of poorly performing assets and into safer ones — or out of the market entirely. For bold investors, it can be equally tempting to hunt for bargains when asset prices are falling.

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How ‘doing nothing’ performs in the stock market

Luckily, Ptak’s “Do Nothing Portfolio” — which was based on all of the S&P’s holdings as of the end of March 2013 — reveals an easier way to beat the market.

The basket generated a 12.2% return over the 10-year period between 2013 and 2023 — nearly exactly the same as the performance of the entire S&P 500 index over the same time. It was also less volatile. That’s especially surprising, Ptak wrote in a blog post, because his portfolio wasn’t rebalanced or adjusted as the S&P 500 changed. In the index itself, on the other hand, stocks were added and removed.

At the end of the decade, the portfolio also equaled the S&P 500’s performance despite holding a considerable amount of cash, which Ptak added to the basket as companies in the S&P were acquired over the course of the years. He says this cash helped cushion the blow of declines in the market without dragging too much on returns.

Ptak was able to replicate his results over two more 10-year periods. He determined that “the Do Nothing Portfolio would have acquired itself very well over the full 30-year period, earning a slightly higher return than the S&P 500 with less volatility,” he wrote.

He attributed that success to a few factors.

For one, holding cash in a portfolio (rather than being 100% invested) can insulate against losses and allow for new investments when necessary. Second, resisting the temptation to add new stocks to

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Rumour: Xbox Exclusive Hi-Fi RUSH ‘Didn’t Make The Money It Needed To Make’

The host of the podcast, Jeff Grubb, has also provided further clarification in a tweet:

Original story (Fri 21st Apr, 2023 11:45 BST):

Hi-Fi RUSH made a huge splash when it was surprise revealed and released at Xbox’s Developer Direct event back in January, with critics completely won over by Tango’s beat bopping adventure. It was the team’s first release under Xbox ownership, so it was launched right onto Xbox Game Pass – but has that hurt its sales?

Well, we can’t say for sure, but one rumor has cropped up suggesting Hi-Fi RUSH’s out and out sales weren’t where the Xbox wanted them to be. According to Venture Beat journalist Jeff Grubb — who touched on the subject during a recent “Jeff Grubb’s Game Mess” podcast episode — Hi-Fi RUSH “didn’t make the money” Xbox was aiming for.

“Based on what I’ve heard, it [Hi-Fi RUSH] just straight up didn’t make the money it needed to make. It got good reviews, the buzz was good, so where do you put the blame for something like that? Is it the price? Was it the ‘shadow drop’ – could it have sold more? Or, is it Game Pass?”

Of course, Microsoft doesn’t disclose sales numbers these days, so we’ll likely never know exactly how well Hi-Fi RUSH — or other recent Xbox exclusives — have sold. We just hope that something like this doesn’t put Microsoft off from investing in similar games in the future.

We absolutely loved our time with Hi-Fi RUSH back in January, and it’s been one of our favorite Xbox moments of the year so far. If you’d like to read our thoughts on Tango’s rhythm-based beat-em-up, check out our full written review of Hi-Fi RUSH down below.

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115 Jobs REAL RVers Do To Make Money While RVing

Here is a LONG LIST of jobs that real RVers do to make money while RVing. Maybe you’ll find something you’re well-qualified for and would enjoy…

One of our RV Lifestyle members recently posted on Facebook to find out what other REAL RVers do to make money while on the road. She wrote:

What do you do for remote work when you’re living/traveling in RV. We’re looking into traveling, my husband is retired, and I’d like to find something remote.

We’ve written a few articles on how to find jobs while traveling, but we’ve never made a long list of job possibilities. This Facebook post, along with several others, gives us great insight into the many jobs RVers do from the road.

So, we decided to compile a long list of ways people make money while RVing based on the hundreds of Facebook responses. We figure there’s no better way to be inspired than to see just how many options are out there.

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Main Categories of Work You Can Do From the Road

Make Money While RVing Work You Can Do From the Road

Generally speaking, there are broad categories of work that RVers can do from the road. Most positions fall into one of these three categories.

Traveling Jobs

These positions require you to travel to different locations to work. Some examples of traveling jobs include traveling nurse or railroad worker.

Remote Work

With the rise of remote work, many companies now allow their employees to work from anywhere as long as they have a stable internet connection. Having stable internet on the road is challenging, but it is possible.

Freelance Work

If you have skills like writing, graphic design, or programming, you can find freelance work online and complete projects from your RV. You can often do these jobs without a constant internet connection.

Online Business

Starting an online business is another way to make money while RVing. You can start a blog, sell products online, or offer consulting services.

Seasonal Work

Many RVers work seasonal jobs at campgrounds, national parks, and tourist attractions. These jobs can include campground hosts, tour guides, or maintenance workers.

Other seasonal jobs revolve around the holidays, including retail, delivery drivers, pumpkin patches, Christmas tree lots, and more.


Working out is a combination of work and camping. RVers can work at campgrounds, RV parks, and other outdoor locations in exchange for a free campsite and sometimes even a wage.

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115 Jobs REAL RVers Do To Make Money While RVing 1
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How REAL RVers Make Money While RVing (Long List of Jobs)

The following are all jobs that people from our RV Lifestyle Facebook group do from the road. Some are full-time RVers, while others are only part-time.

Some base them travel around where they work, while others work wherever they travel. Some are

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