Optimizing Your Video SEO: 10 Tips | Good2bSocial

Videos has become a crucial component of an integrated digital strategy. in fact, 85% of marketers say that video isseo videos an effective way to get attention online, and video has become one of the key ways for potential clients to obtain information. Speaking of getting attention, though: how do you ensure that your video gets found in the first place? This is where SEO for video comes in. Many marketers aren’t sure where to start, but we suggest following these quick tips to help your law firm’s videos gain more visibility.

What Is Video SEO?

Video SEO is simply the act of optimizing your firm’s videos so they can get found online in search engines. There are many different tactics firms can use to help their videos rank which we’ll get into in this article.

1. Host on a Third-party Platform

Even though it’s possible to host your own video content (and doing so gives you a little more independence), it can tax your system and is often not worth the trouble. However, you can rely on a third-party platform, and there are several to choose from. YouTube is the most common and has the largest user base (and it’s free). Other free options include Dailymotion or Vimeo. Paid options typically make sense for more experienced content creators who need advanced features. Look at choices like Brightcove or Dacast. Once you’ve got hosting figured out, you can move on to specific SEO tactics.

2. Optimize Key Presentation Elements

After you upload your video, you’ll have the opportunity to customize certain pieces that will be shown to potential viewers. Taking the time to adjust these elements can help you gain more views and improve SEO.

  • Thumbnails image – The small picture that represents your video should immediately capture attention and communicate what your video is about. Make sure it’s easy to read and not ambiguous.
  • Titles – This is probably the first thing that viewers will use to decide if they want to watch your video. Try to make the title reflect the main points of your video. It’s also important to include keywords that you’ve researched.
  • Description – Use this text to give more context to your video. The best descriptions are short and to the point, and don’t just reiterate what the video already says. Include a question that the video answers or a summary of what’s in the content. Keywords play an important role in this section as well, so make sure to do your research and include the correct keywords (and exclude anything that you don’t want to be associated with your content).
  • CTAs Make sure to include a call-to-action at the end of your video that will garner engagement.

3. Improve Your Transcript With Keywords

Including a transcript of your video is a great opportunity to insert your keywords. Keywords are an essential component of any SEO strategy. Many people do a great job of incorporating keywords into the video title and description

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5 Tips for Using Images and Video for SEO


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When seeking to improve organic search result rankings, you often first evaluate keywords, content, backlinks, metadata, and the likes. And although those are important to the SEO workflow, it’s also important to consider high-quality images and videos.

Images and video ensure that your content is in front of potential customers—in Web search listings, Google News, Google Discover, Image Search, and elsewhere in search results.

The time and effort you spend on SEO is vital to connecting with new customers: Fully 61% of B2B decision-makers start the buying process with a Web search, while a whopping 87% of retail shoppers do the same—vastly exceeding other channels, including displays and social media.

So, how can you improve the rankings of your websites, content, apps, products, and business listings in search engines, whether Google, Bing, Yahoo, or others?

Optimizing imagery can be a game changer for businesses looking to boost their SEO strategy. In fact, it has become increasingly important over the last few years; many search results now contain images, and in some situations search algorithms require imagery in order to rank in content.

That can be seen in this screenshot of Google search results for “conference room” from an incognito browser in the US. Imagery appears in a large amount of space at the top of the results page, and it is therefore critical for ranking.

Google search for 'conference room' results

Here are five tips on how to use imagery and videos for stronger SEO drivers.

1. Use stock photos and stock imagery if they look authentic and relevant

You don’t need original imagery for your company’s content to rank. Stock photos and imagery can actually be good for SEO.

We often see iStock’s content in our customers’ search results and in featured modules, proving that the original imagery isn’t necessary and the old myth that stock photos impede SEO just isn’t true.

Stock imagery and video work well to represent the content they’re paired with for organic search, and they are used around the world every day.

For best SEO results, choose imagery that helps customers identify with your brand, the content you’re creating, and that content’s objectives.

2. Prioritize high-quality images and use the right file size and dimensions

As of May 2022, more than 50% of searches had a group of images or carousel of images in the organic search results on Google. That number has grown by more than three times in just the last 10 years. Choosing high-quality and correctly sized imagery is important for making the most of such results.

Use a high-resolution image—at least 1,200 pixels (px) wide—and one with an aspect ratio of 16×9, 4×3, or 1×1. When selecting images, make sure your images aren’t too big, or of low quality or resolution. For example, if your hero image space is 1200 px wide and 628 px high, do not use an image

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Tips For Social Search Engine Optimization

Vice President, Digital at Clearbridge Branding Agency, overseeing clients’ digital and social media efforts.

Search engine optimization (SEO) has been around in various iterations for over 20 years. Traditional SEO focuses on optimizing a website’s content and structure to improve its ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs) for relevant keywords. This typically involves tactics such as keyword research, on-page optimization and link-building. But what is social SEO?

Social SEO focuses on optimizing a brand’s presence and visibility on social media platforms, such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram, among others. This can include creating and sharing high-quality content, engaging with followers and building a strong social media following.

The goal of social SEO is to drive more traffic to a website from social media platforms, as well as to improve the brand’s visibility and credibility. It’s especially important as social marketers are seeing a shift by some users moving away from using traditional SERPs like Google and Yahoo, instead utilizing social media platforms as search engines.

Optimize YourPage

The first order of business is to optimize your social media pages and profiles. To get started, determine the most important keywords relevant to your business. These keywords should be what you want your organization to be found for when someone searches for a particular product or service. Then, add copy into the about and description sections of your page using those same keywords. On the company’s page, be sure to check that addresses and phone numbers are added and correct. Also, remember to ensure that the website link is visible and working properly.

Optimize Creative

Next, when creating images for posts, be sure to include alt text. Not only is this important for social SEO, but it also assists with ADA (the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990) compliance. Image alt text describes the appearance or what is happening in your image, so remember to describe the image in the alt text section and include any relevant keywords.

Images aren’t the only creative you should be optimizing. Subtitles are also beneficial in video content, and while certain platforms like Instagram have auto-generated captions, manually adding subtitles will get your keywords on the screen. This will provide context for search engine crawlers and can improve SERP rankings for your creatives and keywords.

Aim For Engagement

Engagement and referral traffic (traffic that comes from posting clicks to your website or blog) can also help with SEO. Quality content is key for social SEO, but also because followers are most likely to engage with content that compels them to take action. Actions could be to learn more about a product or service, read a blog, download a white paper or even play a game—and, hopefully, encourage them to come back for more.

Strive to make the content valuable and shareworthy with compelling captions and appealing visuals, as this can help boost engagement and widen your audience while improving social SEO. The best content tells a story and influences audiences to share—so give them

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10 Strategic SEO Insights & Tactical Advice For 2023 And Beyond

I’ve written about search engine optimization (SEO) for over 20 years.

So, I wasn’t shocked when the editors asked me to refresh an article I wrote on October 21, 2020, titled “3 Strategic SEO Insights & Tactical Advice for 2021.”

But looking back at what I’d written two-and-a-half years ago, I realized that my actionable insights now need to be thoroughly updated in this era of constant change.

The advent of OpenAI’s ChatGPT on Nov. 30, 2022, has triggered a “code red” at Google, which rushed out a new experimental conversational AI service called Bard in response to Microsoft’s AI-enhanced Bing.

UBS estimates that ChatGPT reached 100 million monthly active users in January, 2 months after its launch. According to the Swiss bank’s analysts, it would be the fastest-growing online application in history.

So, what strategic SEO insights and tactical advice could I share with you today that will still be relevant a year from now?

What critical data or search trends would encourage you to display a motivational poster on your wall that advises everyone to “Keep Calm and Carry On”?

By the way, that last piece of advice is not half bad.

Google was launched on Sept. 4, 1998, and didn’t pass AltaVista to become the leading search engine until the second half of 2002 – about 4 years later.

And even the Panda Update, which shocked the SEO industry and effectively ended the “content farm” business model, only impacted 12% of queries, according to the History of Google Algorithm Updates.

The Penguin Update, which downranked websites that engaged in aggressive webspam, only impacted 3.1% of English queries.

And it’s worth recalling that the first iteration of the Panda Update started on Feb. 23, 2011, but was followed by 27 more adjustments until the final update on July 17, 2015. And the Penguin Update, which began on April 24, 2012, didn’t end until Sept. 23, 2016.

It may take more than four years to know the full impact of Google’s Bard AI or the new AI-powered Bing search engine.

So, SEO professionals would be well advised to “Keep Calm and Carry On.”

That means I can confidently share 10 strategic insights, bits of critical data, pieces of tactical advice, or search trends that will impact SEO in 2023 and beyond without losing too much sleep over the fact that 30% of them may not be relevant a year from now.

(After telling you why “the fundamental things apply as time goes by,” I’ll circle back to explain why a 70% success rate is the right benchmark.)

SEO remains an essential element of any digital marketing strategy.

And even though the search industry is constantly changing, Google is still the leading search engine.

According to Similarweb, Google.com got 3.2 billion unique visitors in January 2023, making it the most visited website globally. The search giant also got 88.3 billion visits in January 2023.

similarweb results for google.comScreenshot from Similarweb, February 2023

So, don’t bet the farm on Google going away anytime soon.

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Navigating the Algorithm: Tips and Tricks for SEO Success | Recommended

Understanding and navigating the algorithm is one of the biggest challenges for content creators today. As search engine optimization (SEO) techniques become increasingly important, it’s essential to use your online presence smartly and effectively in order to get ahead. With so many factors at play, how do you ensure that your content stands out among the competition? From keyword research and meta descriptions to backlinks and tags, there are several complex components involved in a successful SEO strategy and we’re here to help! In this blog post, we’ll explore a few tried and true tips and tricks for optimizing your website or blog for maximum visibility in search results. Read on as we walk through all elements of effective SEO implementation so you can start seeing more clicks from both current customers as well as potential ones.

What is SEO and How Does It Work?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a marketing technique employed by digital marketers to improve their website’s rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs). It involves techniques such as optimizing content, building backlinks, and utilizing keywords to increase the visibility of websites on popular search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo. By using SEO tactics, digital marketers can increase their website’s traffic, boost sales, and gain more customers.

Understanding how search engine algorithms work is a paramount part of SEO success. Search engines determine the relevance of a website to certain keywords by analyzing its content and linking structure. This means that digital marketers must pay attention to various elements while building their website, such as meta tags, page titles, backlinks, and keyword density.

Keywords are King: Learn how to identify and use the right keywords in your content

Keywords are an integral part of SEO success, as they can help a website reach a higher ranking in SERPs. When optimizing content for the web, digital marketers should focus on identifying and using the right keywords in their content. To do this successfully, they should research relevant topics and use tools such as keyword research tools to gain insights into the most popular keywords in their industry.

Link building is also a vital part of SEO, as it helps search engine algorithms determine the authority of websites. Digital marketers should focus on acquiring backlinks from high-quality sources that are relevant to their industry, as well as guest posting on relevant sites and creating content that can be shared across social media platforms.

Quality Content Matters: Create content that is valuable and engaging

Creating quality content is essential for SEO success, as it can help digital marketers increase their website’s rankings in SERPs. Quality content should be valuable and engaging, which means that it must provide readers with information that is both relevant to their interests and easy to understand. Additionally, content should be updated regularly and optimized for readability.

By understanding and utilizing the power of SEO, digital marketers can enhance their website’s visibility in SERPs and boost their traffic. Utilizing keywords, optimizing content, and

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