4 SEO tricks to attract more customers

A savvy business owner like you knows the value of website optimization. In today’s cutthroat digital marketplace, an SEO-friendly website with solid keyword research, meta tags, good page speed and backlinks helps you stand out. If you want to know how to Improve search engine rankings for small business websites, you’ve come to the right place.

Here are simple ways to attract more people to your site.

1. Good backlinks can improve your search engine rankings

You must make high-quality content that trustworthy websites want to link to. Try to appeal to your industry or niche. You can even send emails to connect with influential people or experts in your field.

You may need to clean up your reputation if you’re having trouble making connections. Set up alerts to see what your customers are saying about you.

2. Your website optimization strategy needs target keywords

You can look at search suggestions from Google or use complex keyword tools like LSI Keyword Generator.

If you’re looking for free tools, check out Google Trends. QuestionDB is another helpful tool you can use to find better keywords. It helps you generate hundreds of content ideas. Just input a broad keyword to create many valuable keywords you can use.

To get started with QuestionDB, click the yellow button below:

3. Use descriptive URLs

Now that you have found the right target keywords to attract people in your industry or niche, use them in your URL and article. Putting relevant keywords in your URL can help search engines understand what’s on your page. This can make your website more visible in search results, attracting more targeted traffic.

4. Don’t overlook mobile devices in your website optimization plan

Your site needs to look good on smartphones. According to the Pew Research Center, about three-quarters of Americans buy things online using their smartphones. But you’ll repel potential customers if your site looks horrible on mobile devices.

That’s why you should run your site through Google’s free mobile-friendly test. You can do it in less than 30 seconds in your browser. Copy and paste your site’s URL into this tool and you’ll get a detailed report pointing out what you’re doing right — and what you can improve upon.

Click the yellow button below to run your site through this test.

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More ways to make a small business website SEO friendly

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18 SEO writing tips to boost your social media

From keeping first impressions in mind to remembering the all-important hashtag, here are 18 answers to the question, “What are your best SEO writing tips that boost social media success?”

DEEPER DIVE: Forecasting 2023 PR and marketing trends

  • Treat Every Post as a First Impression
  • Use Natural Language
  • Improve Your Website for Mobile
  • Crack the Algorithm With Zero Click Content
  • Transcribe Your Video Content 
  • Focus on User Experience
  • Tag Popular Pages on Your Posts
  • Learn How to Write Meta Titles
  • Boost Social Media Success With Facts and Figures
  • Create Content for Both Search Engines and Social Media 
  • Make All Products Shoppable
  • Experiment Then Experiment Some More
  • Make a Killer Title Without Using Fancy Language
  • Incorporate User-generated Content (UGC)
  • Optimize Your Videos for Search
  • Prioritize Relevant, Interactive Content 
  • Write in Relevant Keywords
  • Don’t Forget About the Hashtag

Treat Every Post as a First Impression

Always stay on brand, since you don’t want to accidentally go viral sharing posts that go against your company’s principles. Viral posts don’t go away unless you delete them. When someone searches for your business on Google, you want a consistent message representing your brand to appear. 

When sharing a post, imagine that text being the first thing a potential customer learns about your company. Is that how you would like a first impression to land? A safe rule of thumb is to treat every post as if it were a first impression you want to be excellent.

Jonathan Zacharias, Founder, GR0

Use Natural Language

Google’s algorithm has and will continue to better read, process, and understand text. Through algorithm additions like BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers), Google can more efficiently and effectively match search intent with the right results. 

With this, Google has encouraged marketers and publishers to write content for humans and not for the algorithm and has emphasized using natural language (instead of keyword stuffing). So when writing social media posts, keep it natural and use human-centric messaging!

Ryan Jacobsen, Director of SEO, LaneTerralever

Improve Your Website for Mobile

There are more and more people using their mobile phones to access the internet, so I think it’s crucial that your website is mobile-friendly.

If your site is optimized for mobile use, you’ll see greater search engine optimization (SEO) and social media sharing success. Make sure your site is mobile-friendly by making sure it loads quickly and is easy to navigate. Check the mobile-friendliness of your website with the use of tools like Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test.

Max Whiteside, SEO and Content Lead, Breaking Muscle

Crack the Algorithm With Zero Click Content

To get the desired success on social media, first, you need to understand how their algorithm works. Without cracking the algorithm, you’ll just be shooting arrows in the dark. Most social media platforms prefer you stay on their platform as much as possible, so your content strategy should be framed accordingly. 

For example, on LinkedIn, create informative long-form posts, adding no external links to them. This is called Zero-click content (coined by Amanda

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Local SEO: 7 Tips to Lift Up Your Google Business Rankings

Improving your local ranking can help you gain online visibility and, as a result, drive more traffic to your website.

The goal of local SEO is to ensure that your business appears at the top of search engine results when someone in your area searches for a product or service that you provide. This is especially important for small and medium-sized businesses, which rely heavily on local customers to survive. Improving your local ranking can help you gain more online visibility and, as a result, drive more traffic to your website. Here are seven suggestions to help you improve your Google ranking and grow your business:

Claim and Verify Your Google My Business Listing

Claim and verify your Google My Business listing as the first step in improving your local ranking. This free tool allows you to manage your online presence across Google products such as Search and Maps. It is critical to provide correct information, such as your company name, address and phone number. You can also add information such as your business category and hours of operation, as well as accept bookings and appointments directly from your Google My Business listing. By claiming and verifying your listing, you ensure that your company’s information is correct and up to date, which can help improve your local ranking.

Optimize Your Google My Business Listing

After you’ve claimed and verified your listing, you’ll want to optimize it. This includes including as much relevant information as possible, such as a business description, photos and videos. You can also include links to your website and social media profiles to help customers learn more about your company. You can also use photos and videos to make your listings more engaging and informative. While you may be able to complete these tasks on your own, consider using a professional tool like the efficient Local Ranking to ensure that your local SEO strategy is effective and tailored to your specific business needs. This will assist you in taking care of the technical details and improving your local ranking.

Use Relevant Keywords

Keywords are extremely important in improving your local ranking. Find relevant keywords for your business and incorporate them naturally into your website content and Google My Business listing. However, avoid overusing keywords, as this can result in a Google penalty. Additionally, use local keywords that are specific to your area, such as the name of your city or neighborhood. This will assist Google in understanding your business and displaying it to people searching for the products or services you provide. You can improve your chances of appearing in local search results and attracting customers in your area by using the right keywords.

Get Listed in Local Directories

Having your business listed in local directories can also help you improve your local ranking. Yelp, Yellow Pages, and TripAdvisor are some of the most popular local directories. Plus, look for local directories that are specific to your area. These directories can assist you in increasing your online

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Eight SEO Best Practices To Increase Organic Site Traffic In 2023

By Jared Atchison, co-founder of WPFormsa drag-and-drop form builder for WordPress that’s used on over 4,000,000 websites.

Increasing organic traffic is one of the core objectives of leading online businesses. That’s why brands worldwide strive to rank at the top among search engine recommendations on targeted queries. However, making this dream a reality is easier said than done.

Search engine optimization (SEO) plays a major role here, as it enables you to climb the search engine results pages (SERPs) and increase your site’s visibility to generate more traffic. Based on my work in website optimization, here are some best practices that can help you stand out from your competition in the age of content overload.

1. Identify the right keywords.

Keywords are super important for SEO. Identifying the ones that best represent your niche and creating content around them fuels your search engine ranking and enables you to attract a relevant audience.

A common mistake made by businesses when getting started is that they target high-volume keywords and disregard whether or not the targeted queries align with what they offer. This is a recipe for disaster, as they miss the opportunity of building an authority on keywords that best represent their solutions, thus attracting junk traffic to their site.

Keyword selection demands careful consideration, so I highly recommend keeping your niche at the center when doing the research.

2. Create relevant content.

To increase your organic traffic, it’s essential that the content you produce is informative and highly relevant to your audience. Search engines prefer content that caters to topical depth and facilitates easy access to information. So ensure that the content you create helps people find answers to their questions and effortlessly explore the solutions they’re looking for. Creating content that addresses the queries of your audience in great detail will give you a much-needed boost in rankings and enable you to surpass your competition.

3. Optimize page titles and descriptions.

To climb the search engine rankings, it’s important that you optimize your page title and description as per the targeted keyword(s) and intent. Your page title and description give a brief overview of your page to search engines and provide quick insight into page contents for your audience. As they are the first things users see, they should be spot-on to catch the eye of visitors.

Ideally, try to keep your page title to 50 to 60 characters (spaces included) and your description around 150 to 160. This allows you to optimize the text for all devices, be they desktop or mobile.

4. Optimize images.

We often neglect the importance of images when creating our pages. If you optimize them well, you can leverage image search and attract more visitors through it. There are a few best practices that you need to follow here:

• Add suitable titles to your images, and use targeted keywords.

• Use alt text to describe your images.

• Refrain from using crowded pictures.

• Use high-resolution images, but be mindful

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4 tips to increase your press release’s SEO

How to use press releases in SEO

Getting media coverage is just one reason for a press release.

It can serve a host of other purposes, including helping readers find you from behind a paywall and even increasing your site’s search ranking.

However, it isn’t always a straight line between dropping a press release and zooming up those search engine results pages.

According to Search Engine Journal, the links you place directly into a press release aren’t likely to help you in search rankings. Google knows you’re putting those there yourself and basically their discounts; newswire sites usually use no follow links, which don’t benefit your overall SEO.

But press releases can still benefit your overall rankings.

PR Daily’s recent SEO Certificate Course for Communicators covered the how-tos of this topic. Bonus materials for the course included Visably’s Ultimate Guide to Search Engine Strategy.

The entire guide is well worth your time, but let’s zoom in on just one section today. How can you optimize releases for search? We aren’t talking about distribution or backlinking tips and tricks here, but the simple way you put together the release itself.

All tips are based on Visably’s guide.

  1. Tweak your keywords

The tiniest adjustments to the words you use to describe your product (or any other aspect of the release) can make a big impact. For example, Visibly notes that “portable kayak” has one-third the search volume as “lightweight kayak.” Assuming your kayak is lightweight (because aren’t all kayaks portable?), simply making this small change could give you a big bump.

If you’re not sure how to measure search volume, start with a free, simple tool like Google Trends, which quickly and easily allows you to compare two or more terms. Find a more comprehensive guide to using Google Trends for content here.

  1. Highlights recognizable quotes

Most press releases include a quote from someone. But if that person has search value in their name alone, you can make SEO gains. Depending on the nature of the release, you might be quoting your CEO, a celebrity spokesperson or an influencer. All of these can help you appear in searches that are tangentially related to your product — but can introduce you to new audiences.

  1. Add images

Whether it’s an infographic, a graph, an illustration or original photography, the right pictures can help your press release show up higher in search. Make sure you optimize each photo with alt text and a strong description and title. Not only will this boost your overall SEO, it’ll help you show up in image searches, too — another valuable source of traffic.

  1. Don’t spam

Yes, we have to say this one. We know you’re under pressure to distribute your press release far and wide, but that behavior can actually hurt your overall ranking. Links from spammy sites can cause Google to give you a side eye based on the company you keep and hurt your overall score. So don’t scatter your release to the winds. Be thoughtful and judicious about online distribution, just as

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