Optimizing Your Video SEO: 10 Tips | Good2bSocial

Videos has become a crucial component of an integrated digital strategy. in fact, 85% of marketers say that video isseo videos an effective way to get attention online, and video has become one of the key ways for potential clients to obtain information. Speaking of getting attention, though: how do you ensure that your video gets found in the first place? This is where SEO for video comes in. Many marketers aren’t sure where to start, but we suggest following these quick tips to help your law firm’s videos gain more visibility.

What Is Video SEO?

Video SEO is simply the act of optimizing your firm’s videos so they can get found online in search engines. There are many different tactics firms can use to help their videos rank which we’ll get into in this article.

1. Host on a Third-party Platform

Even though it’s possible to host your own video content (and doing so gives you a little more independence), it can tax your system and is often not worth the trouble. However, you can rely on a third-party platform, and there are several to choose from. YouTube is the most common and has the largest user base (and it’s free). Other free options include Dailymotion or Vimeo. Paid options typically make sense for more experienced content creators who need advanced features. Look at choices like Brightcove or Dacast. Once you’ve got hosting figured out, you can move on to specific SEO tactics.

2. Optimize Key Presentation Elements

After you upload your video, you’ll have the opportunity to customize certain pieces that will be shown to potential viewers. Taking the time to adjust these elements can help you gain more views and improve SEO.

  • Thumbnails image – The small picture that represents your video should immediately capture attention and communicate what your video is about. Make sure it’s easy to read and not ambiguous.
  • Titles – This is probably the first thing that viewers will use to decide if they want to watch your video. Try to make the title reflect the main points of your video. It’s also important to include keywords that you’ve researched.
  • Description – Use this text to give more context to your video. The best descriptions are short and to the point, and don’t just reiterate what the video already says. Include a question that the video answers or a summary of what’s in the content. Keywords play an important role in this section as well, so make sure to do your research and include the correct keywords (and exclude anything that you don’t want to be associated with your content).
  • CTAs Make sure to include a call-to-action at the end of your video that will garner engagement.

3. Improve Your Transcript With Keywords

Including a transcript of your video is a great opportunity to insert your keywords. Keywords are an essential component of any SEO strategy. Many people do a great job of incorporating keywords into the video title and description

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9 SEO Tips for Writing FAQs That Win Rich Snippets

Frequently asked questions (FAQs) are often used as a clump of generalized questions and answers on a single FAQ page. However, they can work much harder to improve your organic search rankings, even earning you rich results when correctly implemented for search engine optimization (SEO).

When Google adds extra information to a standard search result listing, it’s called a rich result or rich snippet. FAQ-rich results (shown below) are just one of the many forms of rich snippets available, including reviews, how-to, videos, sitelink search boxes, and more.

Google uses FAQs to help provide answers to searchers directly in the search results. FAQ-rich results are also good for your site, though, because they make your results more visible and help push the competition lower on the page.

The Benefits of Using Optimizing FAQs

The power of FAQs goes beyond answering your customer’s most frequently asked questions. When you place optimized FAQs on various pages on your site — category pages, product pages, information pages, blog posts — you are enhancing the page with more useful content and providing a better user experience. FAQs allow you to work question-based keywords naturally onto the page. You can also add internal links in the answer section to increase the flow of link authority through your site.

Frequently asked questions are excellent for eCommerce clients, as there are many questions that customers have when purchasing products. You can stand out among the competition by answering searchers’ most frequently asked questions.

Triggering Rich Results with faqPage Schema

To enable FAQ-rich snippets to display in Google’s search results, you’ll need to mark up your FAQs with faqPage structured data. This structured data, which is just data that informs a search engine what type of information it’s crawling, helps Google determine whether a piece of content should be eligible for rich results or not. However, using structured data doesn’t guarantee that Google will show your content as rich results in the organic search results for a given search query. To see how your marked-up FAQs could appear in the SERPs, try testing your pages with Google’s Rich Results Test.

9 Tips for Writing Optimized FAQs

If you are trying to win the FAQ-rich results in organic search, we have compiled nine of the best ways to optimize your frequently asked questions with SEO in mind. Here are nine tools and ideas that you can use to help choose the best types of questions to include based on the things people search for.

  1. AnswerThePublic

This tool gives you suggestions of the types of questions people are asking related to a specific keyword you enter. The downside to this tool is that there is no data on search volume, but it gives you a starting point with which to do additional keyword research. For example, if you were to input the keyword “lipsticks” into the tool, this is what it would look like:

AnswerThePublic will give you “Questions” in a graphic that can be downloaded into a spreadsheet. When

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5 Ways to Improve Local SEO

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is constantly evolving like any other industry. The struggle to stay on top of the ranking takes more than a post in a month. To stay rated and relevant, you must put in the time and conduct the research.

Being easily searchable, informative and consistent is more crucial than ever for small businesses, and for that, businesses need local search engine optimization. It’s simpler than you might think to master local SEO. Here are five quick techniques to boost local SEO and make your small business rank above its rivals.

Related: Struggling in Local Search? Here’s What Your Local SEO Strategy Needs

1. Ensure the consistency of your NAP

Name, Address, and Phone Number (NAP). Your local SEO approach may succeed or fail based on these three simple facts. Make sure to display this information on your website prominently.

As it will show at the bottom of every page, the footer is an excellent location for your NAP. You can also make your NAP visible on service area pages and your contact page’s body.

Consistency is key. Your essential company details must be consistent wherever potential clients may find you online.

Related: 5 Tips to Improve Your Local SEO in 5 Hours

2. Enhance the on-page content

You can demonstrate that you are the industry leader in your field for the service you offer by using the content on your site. Along with your services in your region, include specifics like street names and landmarks.

Explain to the customer why they would require your services in that particular location. Your customer’s user experience will be improved the more you sound like you belong.

Related: This Important Website Feature Is Crucial For Your Business

3. Get listed in local directories

Getting featured in local directories is a fantastic additional strategy for enhancing your local SEO. There are a lot of web directories that are specifically designed for businesses in certain regions.

Your chances of being discovered by potential clients looking for companies like you are increased by having a listing in these directories.

4. Optimize header tags

Check out this resource on the best practices for using header tags if you haven’t already looked into the topic. By developing localized service pages, you have now gained more space to construct highly targeted header tags with local-based keywords.

Good header tags provide a general picture of the page’s overall structure and what to expect as visitors browse through the content. It would look odd if you simply loaded keywords into the header tags.

Related: How Should You Optimize for Branded Keywords?

5. Create relevant backlinks

Backlinks are one of the most significant ranking elements for any website, and it is the connection to your website made by other websites. Google views backlinks as endorsements — the higher the backlinks, the more they appear in search results.

Prioritizing quality over number is crucial while developing backlinks. Look for chances to receive

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Google’s 6 SEO Tips For Ecommerce Websites

Google shares six SEO tips that combine structured data and Merchant Center to get the most out of your website’s presence in search results.

Alan Kent, a Developer Advocate at Google, describes each tip in detail in a new video published on the Google Search Central YouTube channel.

Throughout the video, Kent emphasizes using Google Merchant Center because it allows retailers to upload product data via structured feeds.

Merchant Center feeds are designed to be read by computers, which means data is extracted more reliably than Googlebot crawls your website.

However, that doesn’t mean you should forego using structured data on product pages and relying on Merchant Center alone. Structured product data remains essential even if you provide product data directly to Google with a Merchant Center feed.

Google may crosscheck data from the Merchant Center feed against structured data on your website.

Google’s SEO recommendations for ecommerce sites revolve around getting the most out of both tools.

1. Ensure Products Are Indexed

Googlebot can miss pages when crawling a site if they’re not linked to other pages. On e-commerce sites, for example, some product pages are only reachable from on-site search results.

You can ensure Google crawls all your product pages by utilizing tools such as an XML sitemap and Google Merchant Center.

Creating a Merchant Center product feed will help Google discover all the products on your website. The product page URLs are shared with the Googlebot crawler to use as starting point for crawls of potentially additional pages.

2. Check Accuracy Of Product Prices Search Results

If Google incorrectly extracts pricing data from your product pages, it may list your original price in search results, not the discounted price.

To accurately provide product information such as list prices, discounts, and net prices, it’s recommended to add structured data to your product pages and provide Google Merchant Center with structured feeds of your product data.

This will help Google extract the correct price from product pages.

3. Minimize Price & Availability Lag

Google crawls webpages on your site according to its own schedule. That means Googlebot may not notice changes on your site until the next crawl.

These delays can lead to search results lagging behind site changes, such as a product going out of stock.

It would be best if you aim to minimize inconsistencies in pricing and availability of data between your website and Google’s understanding of your site due to timing lags.

Google recommends utilizing Merchant Center product feeds to keep pages updated on a more consistent schedule.

4. Ensure Products Are Eligible For Rich Product Results

Eligibility for rich product results requires the use of structured product data.

To get the special rich product presentation format, Google recommends providing structured data on your product pages and a product feed in Merchant Center.

This will help ensure that Google understands how to extract product data to display rich results.

However, even with the correct structured data in place, rich results are displayed at Google’s discretion.

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SEO Basics: A Beginner’s Guide to SEO

WordStream has come to be known mostly as a PPC destination. But we also know a thing or two about SEO, and people ask us all the time for a primer on SEO basics. So we’re delivering: This article will be an introduction and overview of search engine optimization (SEO), a mandatory marketing tactic if you want your website to be found through search engines like Google.

SEO Basics Guide

In this guide to SEO for beginners, you’ll learn:

  1. What is SEO & why is it important?
  2. Keyword research & keyword targeting
  3. On-page SEO optimization 
  4. Information architecture
  5. Content marketing & link building
  6. Technical SEO
  7. How to track & measure SEO results
  8. Mobile, international, and local SEO

By the time you reach the end of this SEO basics guide, you’ll have a strong understanding of what search engine optimization is, why it’s valuable and important, and how to get great results in an ever-changing SEO environment.

SEO Basics Part 1: What is SEO & why is it important?

You’ve likely heard of SEO, and if you haven’t already, you could obtain a quick Wikipedia definition of the term, but understanding that SEO is “the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine’s unpaid results” doesn’t really help you answer important questions for your business and your website, such as:

  • How do you, for your site or your company’s site, “optimize” for search engines?
  • How do you increase your site’s organic search visibility, so it’s easy for your content to be found?
  • How do you know how much time to spend on SEO?
  • How can you differentiate “good” SEO advice from “bad” or harmful SEO advice?

What’s likely interesting to you as a business owner or employee is how you can actually leverage SEO to help drive more relevant traffic, leads, sales, and ultimately revenue and profit for your business. That’s what we’ll focus on in this guide.

Why should you care about SEO?

Lots and lots of people search for things. That traffic can be extremely powerful for a business not only because there is a lot of traffic, but because there is a lot of very specific, high-intent traffic.

If you sell blue widgets, would you rather buy a billboard so anyone with a car in your area sees your ad (whether they will ever have any interest in blue widgets or not), or show up every time anyone in the world types “buy blue widgets” into a search engine? Probably the latter, because those people have commercial intent, meaning they are standing up and saying that they want to buy something you offer.

the four types of keyword intent

People are searching for any manner of things directly related to your business. Beyond that, your prospects are also searching for all kinds of things that are only loosely related to your business. These represent even more opportunities to connect with those folks and help answer their questions, solve their problems, and become a trusted resource for them.

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