7 Powerful On-Page SEO Tips For Small Teams In 2023

This post was sponsored by Shutterstock. The opinions expressed in this article are the sponsor’s own.

High-quality media is a major component of your on-page SEO strategy.

When you’re a small or medium business owner (SMB), the quality of your visual content can make a major difference in how your target audience perceives your products and services.

In 2023, high-quality images, graphics, and other next-generation media are the on-page SEO keys to help you:

  • Improve search engine results page (SERP) rankings.
  • Rank for competitive keywords in short-form video SERPs.
  • Build organic backlinks.

To make these marketing goals possible, the two easiest things you can do for your SEO strategy right now are:

  1. Step away from using stock images in blog articles and social media posts. Focus on creating or generating unique images for your site.
  2. Double down on implementing SEO best practices to help your content get seen.

Let’s discover how the right media backed by a strong SEO strategy can help elevate your brand and maximize your ROI.

1. Create Content That Automatically Generates Backlink Opportunities

Backlinks are essential to helping search engines determine the quality of your website and where it should rank on SERPs.

High-quality backlinks can help you get to the top of Google.

But before we uncover how small teams can build backlinks faster, let’s take a crash course on how backlinks can improve your SEO and help your business grow.

7 Powerful On-Page SEO Tips For Small Teams In 2023Image created by Shutterstock, April 2023

How Backlinks Help Improve SEO & SERP Rankings

Backlinks are a vital part of your overall SEO strategy because of the role they play in your site’s discoverability.

They indicate your site’s popularity with users, and they signal to Google that your content is valuable and worth linking to.

Think of it as a vote of confidence; the more high-quality backlinks you have, the better your website performs on SERPs.

When it comes to link building, your goal is to have multiple trusted resource vouchers for your website.

So, how do you easily convince reputable, related websites to link to yours?

How do you tell Google that your site is trustworthy?

By building backlinks.

If you’re a small team, it’s best to create content that builds links organically.

The Key To Building Organic Backlinks

To get the strongest backlinks, make sure you’re creating content that’s unique, up-to-date, and more accurate than your competitors.

Accurate, unique content is very valuable to high-reputation websites.

Backlinks make it easy to cite statistics, source claims, or even add context – so by providing relevant information within your niche, you’re establishing your site

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5 Ways to Improve Local SEO

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is constantly evolving like any other industry. The struggle to stay on top of the ranking takes more than a post in a month. To stay rated and relevant, you must put in the time and conduct the research.

Being easily searchable, informative and consistent is more crucial than ever for small businesses, and for that, businesses need local search engine optimization. It’s simpler than you might think to master local SEO. Here are five quick techniques to boost local SEO and make your small business rank above its rivals.

Related: Struggling in Local Search? Here’s What Your Local SEO Strategy Needs

1. Ensure the consistency of your NAP

Name, Address, and Phone Number (NAP). Your local SEO approach may succeed or fail based on these three simple facts. Make sure to display this information on your website prominently.

As it will show at the bottom of every page, the footer is an excellent location for your NAP. You can also make your NAP visible on service area pages and your contact page’s body.

Consistency is key. Your essential company details must be consistent wherever potential clients may find you online.

Related: 5 Tips to Improve Your Local SEO in 5 Hours

2. Enhance the on-page content

You can demonstrate that you are the industry leader in your field for the service you offer by using the content on your site. Along with your services in your region, include specifics like street names and landmarks.

Explain to the customer why they would require your services in that particular location. Your customer’s user experience will be improved the more you sound like you belong.

Related: This Important Website Feature Is Crucial For Your Business

3. Get listed in local directories

Getting featured in local directories is a fantastic additional strategy for enhancing your local SEO. There are a lot of web directories that are specifically designed for businesses in certain regions.

Your chances of being discovered by potential clients looking for companies like you are increased by having a listing in these directories.

4. Optimize header tags

Check out this resource on the best practices for using header tags if you haven’t already looked into the topic. By developing localized service pages, you have now gained more space to construct highly targeted header tags with local-based keywords.

Good header tags provide a general picture of the page’s overall structure and what to expect as visitors browse through the content. It would look odd if you simply loaded keywords into the header tags.

Related: How Should You Optimize for Branded Keywords?

5. Create relevant backlinks

Backlinks are one of the most significant ranking elements for any website, and it is the connection to your website made by other websites. Google views backlinks as endorsements — the higher the backlinks, the more they appear in search results.

Prioritizing quality over number is crucial while developing backlinks. Look for chances to receive

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6 Technical SEO Tips to Improve Website Traffic

If you have great website content that other sites link back to, you’ll rank highly in search engine results. But that is not enough to ensure success; if your technical SEO is lacking, you’re limiting how well your website will do in Google searches.

That’s why it’s important to get technical SEO right. We’ll examine what technical SEO is and share our top six technical SEO tips for getting high traffic and more conversions.

What is technical SEO?

Google “spiders” crawl hundreds of millions of websites every day to collect the information they need to power search results. The time Google spends on your site is limited, and it’s your responsibility to make the job as easy for these spiders as possible.

You need to do four things to get an advantage:

1. Fix your site structure.

Ensure that the structure of your website is simple and logical. If it’s easy for your visitors to find what they want on your site, it’s easy for Google, which will reward you by indexing more of your pages.

2. Add labels and metadata.

Follow these tips to help Google understand what’s on every page:

  • Label each part of a page with descriptives such as “navbar,” “footer” and “article.”
  • Add alt tags to images, graphs and charts to describe their content.
  • Provide a page title and meta description.

3. Secure your website.

Your website needs to be secure. Make sure you have a secure certificate so that your URL starts with https://.

4. Make your site fast.

Your website needs to load fast on any device, so go for a responsive design. [Read related article: How Page Load Speed Affects Customer Behavior.]

All of this sounds more complicated than it is. You just need to put these four factors into your website from the moment you start designing and writing it.

Bottom line: Each search engine has a crawl budget – the number of pages it indexes on a given day. You can get search engines to crawl far more of your site if you take care of technical SEO.

Technical SEO tips to increase traffic and conversions

If you’re building a website for the first time or you want to improve your current site’s rankings, follow these six steps:

1. Choose a secure, reliable host.

Selecting a top web hosting service is important for two reasons. First, Google confirmed back in 2014 that site security was an important ranking factor. Given two equal sites – one with secure HTTPS hosting and one without – the site with secure hosting will always rank higher.

Second, website downtime hurts your rankings badly. The first time Google finds nothing there when it crawls your site, each page on your website can drop two ranking spots.

If the search engine’s spiders keep finding nothing to crawl, Google starts visiting your site less often, and it’s really hard to come back from that. Therefore, it’s important to choose a hosting service that has as little downtime

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15 Local SEO Tips for Your Law Firm | Good2bSocial

[author: Noreen Fishman]

Local search engine optimization (SEO) is important for many businesses, including law firms. in fact, 46% of all Googlelocal seo for law firms searches are seeking local information, and that number is only likely to be higher for regionally operating practices. There also tends to be a strong correlation between organic website traffic and local searches. What does that mean for your firm? It means that if you can improve your website traffic through local search engine optimization, you’re likely to get more website traffic and leads overall. Here are some simple tweaks your law firm can make within your local SEO strategy for better local visibility.

The Benefits of Local SEO

Local SEO refers to a search engine optimization strategy that focuses on improving search rankings in local search results. So, if someone searches ‘Pennsylvania law firm’ this indicates to Google that they’re searching for a law firm in a specific location.

With all the information Google has to look at with web pages, one of the most important ranking factors is geolocation.

Local SEO is about marketing your firm to those that are specifically looking at your location. If you’re a law firm, especially a smaller or mid-sized firm, local SEO is very important. For law firms operating at a regional level local SEO is essential, it allows firms to lessen the advantage of bigger, national firms that can rank for more broad keywords, while also gaining traffic from a more relevant audience.

15 Local SEO Tips for Law Firms

1. Take a Look at Overall Speed ​​and Performance

Before you dive into other tactics, you want to make sure everything you’re driving traffic loads properly. Website performance studies show that for your site to retain visitors, its page load time should not exceed three seconds. Before you focus on driving additional people to your site, make sure they won’t bounce once they get there.

2. Ensure You’re Using the Right, Local Keywords for Your Services

It’s important to make sure the descriptions of your services on your website reflect what people are actually searching for in your area. Use a keyword research tool like Semrush or Ahrefs. These let you determine the most popular search phrases for law practices like yours — and how difficult it will be to rank for them locally too.

Follow these steps:

  1. Choose whichever is relevant, local keywords you’d like to target. You can use one of the above tools and try typing in relevant keywords based on location into Google.
  2. Integrate the keywords throughout your site, including on relevant pages and blogs
  3. Optimize pages for keywords by including them in titles, in the body copy, and in the URLs

3. Claim and Optimize Your Google My Business Listing

Your law firm’s profile on Google My Business is your local listing that appears in Google Maps, the local results of Google Search, and even the right-side Knowledge Panel on Google Search. Just as with websites and ads, Google ranks Business Profiles

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Effective SEO Tips to Rank Better Today

Are you feeling stuck trying to figure out how to increase your website’s visibility in search results? You’re not alone—many people struggle with SEO strategies and algorithms that make websites rank higher. It can be a daunting task, but luckily, there are effective SEO tips to help you boost your rankings and get more visitors to find your content today! In this blog post, we’ll break down some simple steps you can take to start improving your website’s SEO from scratch. Keep reading to discover why SEO is important for businesses of any size, as well as actionable advice for optimizing your site for maximum indexing potential.

Hire an SEO Agency

The very first tip on this list if you want to see increased performance in terms of rankings would be to make use of the services of an SEO agency. This is most likely not what you want to hear, but at the end of the day, if this is your first website, you probably aren’t very informed as to where to focus your efforts.

With the help of a reliable SEO agency, they will be able to identify what needs to be done with your specific website. This is a very important point since not every website will need the same thing; an e-commerce website won’t need the same strategies as a gaming news website. More importantly, you will see results very quickly, as there are likely things that you are not doing right now that could be hindering your progress.

Create Great Content

The next tip on this list that you absolutely can’t ignore, especially if you are looking to rise in the rankings, would be to create great content. Search engines like Google are primarily focused on one thing; does this website answer the search queries of users, and how reliable or credible is the content that it is producing?

This is because the primary goal of search engines is to answer search queries from users, and if you are creating content that does that, you will begin to see improvements in your rankings. More importantly, websites won’t want to link to you if the content that you are creating is subpar or just not interesting.

Research Keywords

One of the most important things that you are going to need to do to get better rankings would be to research keywords. If you are not familiar with keywords, there are essentially two types. The first would be the ones that are on your site, which helps search engines determine what type of content to expect. The second would be the search terms that users use to find answers to search queries.

Firstly, the keywords on your site need to be relevant to the content that you are producing so that when Google bots crawl your site, it can be properly indexed. Secondly, you need to find out what search terms users are using to create targeted content for your audience. This is going to change over

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