Tips For Social Search Engine Optimization

Vice President, Digital at Clearbridge Branding Agency, overseeing clients’ digital and social media efforts.

Search engine optimization (SEO) has been around in various iterations for over 20 years. Traditional SEO focuses on optimizing a website’s content and structure to improve its ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs) for relevant keywords. This typically involves tactics such as keyword research, on-page optimization and link-building. But what is social SEO?

Social SEO focuses on optimizing a brand’s presence and visibility on social media platforms, such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram, among others. This can include creating and sharing high-quality content, engaging with followers and building a strong social media following.

The goal of social SEO is to drive more traffic to a website from social media platforms, as well as to improve the brand’s visibility and credibility. It’s especially important as social marketers are seeing a shift by some users moving away from using traditional SERPs like Google and Yahoo, instead utilizing social media platforms as search engines.

Optimize YourPage

The first order of business is to optimize your social media pages and profiles. To get started, determine the most important keywords relevant to your business. These keywords should be what you want your organization to be found for when someone searches for a particular product or service. Then, add copy into the about and description sections of your page using those same keywords. On the company’s page, be sure to check that addresses and phone numbers are added and correct. Also, remember to ensure that the website link is visible and working properly.

Optimize Creative

Next, when creating images for posts, be sure to include alt text. Not only is this important for social SEO, but it also assists with ADA (the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990) compliance. Image alt text describes the appearance or what is happening in your image, so remember to describe the image in the alt text section and include any relevant keywords.

Images aren’t the only creative you should be optimizing. Subtitles are also beneficial in video content, and while certain platforms like Instagram have auto-generated captions, manually adding subtitles will get your keywords on the screen. This will provide context for search engine crawlers and can improve SERP rankings for your creatives and keywords.

Aim For Engagement

Engagement and referral traffic (traffic that comes from posting clicks to your website or blog) can also help with SEO. Quality content is key for social SEO, but also because followers are most likely to engage with content that compels them to take action. Actions could be to learn more about a product or service, read a blog, download a white paper or even play a game—and, hopefully, encourage them to come back for more.

Strive to make the content valuable and shareworthy with compelling captions and appealing visuals, as this can help boost engagement and widen your audience while improving social SEO. The best content tells a story and influences audiences to share—so give them a reason to in your content. What immediate value are you providing? If you have thought about it, you may want to revisit your post. To make content more shareworthy, well, shareable, remember to include social share buttons on blog posts to make it easier for readers to spread the word. And don’t leave out those clever calls to action! Your goal is to persuade your audience to engage and repost your content.

Reposts increase visibility and can even drive traffic to your website—both of which signal higher rankings in search engines. When more sites and pages share and link to your content, the more authoritative SERPs will determine your brand and website to be. Similarly, likes, comments and retweets can also all have an impact on how high your brand is ranked.

The fundamental point of SEO is to connect a search with the most relevant content. When you craft content and audit your page, always keep social SEO in mind and optimize every facet of your social footprint to connect with a relevant search.

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