Woman bitten by black bear Avon

AVON, CT (WFSB) – A woman was bitten by a bear in Avon on Friday morning.

The Department of Energy and Environmental Protection said it was investigating the attack. It held a news conference at 1 pm:

Police confirmed that it happened in the area of ​​Berkshire Crossing and New Road.

The victim was a 74-year-old woman who was out walking her dog. She suffered non-life-threatening injuries, according to DEEP.

The woman suffered from superficial injuries with minor puncture wounds, police said.

She managed to walk back to her home and call for help.

After declining medical attention on the scene, she went to the hospital herself to be treated.

“In these situations, public safety is DEEP’s top priority,” DEEP said. “Under DEEP’s Black Bear Response protocol, an attack on a human is a category 4 response, meaning humane euthanization of the bear.”

DEEP confirmed that the bear was euthanized.

DEEP said it was unclear what might have provoked the bear, but that bears can see dogs as predators.

They also said she had three younglings who were not dependent on her.

It asked anyone who witnessed the incident Friday morning to contact its 24-hour dispatch center at 860-424-3333.

Emergency crews were on the scene of a bear attack in Avon.