Women pay more for car insurance in Nevada, study says

LAS VEGAS (KLAS) — According to a study from QuoteWizard, women pay more for car insurance in many states throughout the US.

The study indicates that in Nevada, women pay $90 per year more for car insurance. Further data show that women in Alaska pay an average of $400 more per year and an average of $300 more in Florida.

“Every auto insurance company is using their own individual metrics and they’re catering to a specific type of driver,” said Nick Vinzant, a research analyst for QuoteWizard. “So you may just not fit what that car insurance company is really catering to,”

However, Vinzant says that the price hike may not be indicative of actual statistics.

“Men generally have 68 to 70 percent more accidents than women. Men account for about 70.5 deaths on the road,” said Patrick Casale, managing partner with The Multicare Group. “I don’t understand how women are paying more because women generally drive slower or are more cautious.”

Seven states currently prohibit insurance companies from using gender as a factor. Experts say individuals should research ways to cut costs. Those ways may include enrolling in auto pay, multi of dual plans, and utilizing good driving or good grade discounts. Still, the best way to save money is to shop around for insurance, experts say.